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    • Send this crash report to andrewshpagin@gmail.com Do you have onedrive installed ? Look at this. Or if you have 2 monitors, try opening 3DC on the first monitor.    
    • And it crashed again the moment I restarted the software.  
    • OK. I finally get it to work again after a clean reinstall. It looks like the issue is not with the resouce folder because after reinstallation all settings and assets were inherited just fine. I have no clue what caused the problem, but I really hope this can be resolved. It is more than annoying to happen at this frequency and I cannot spend hours to fix it every time.
    • Coat became unstable after I installed 2024.17. I just got a Running troubleshooting last night, and I replaced the entire resource folder and fixed it. Today it happened again, and wont start up even after I replaced the folder. There hasn't been any crash or hard shutdown. I just turned off my system and it became so the soon as I returned. There was the same window poping up in the past few weeks but none had really prevented me from entering the software. But this time it just stops after a short white window.
    • Thanks a lot! Looking forward. 3D Coat Live Booleans rock heavily!
    • I agree. I hate it when autosave interrupts my work, but I have to admit it saved me a couple of times because, you know, Coat crashes usually, sometimes even for no reason. So I would rather sacrifice 3 seconds for every 15 minutes than risking a unpredictable crash. A smart autosave as you suggested would be helpful, indeed. Let's hope the developers figure out how to solve this.
    • 3DCoat have several types of mesh painting: Surface (or vertex), Voxel, Ptex, Microvertex and Per pixel painting. Surface painting (also named Polypaint and Vertex Paint) allows painting on a model’s vertex surface without assigning a texture map, modifying vertex color attributes.  Once you use any method to “Bake” your model and its UV topology into the Painting Room, all these painted details will be baked into this permanent mesh as a texture map, which can then be exported along with your mesh. Voxel painting introduces true volumetric texture painting, which is not only a new paradigm within the application itself but to the entire industry as well. To help illustrate why this is such a unique painting platform, the cubes represent voxels, and thus the user has true volumetric depth. This does not mean vertex painting that paints the surface of the shape (even if with the benefit of not needing a UV map), but where you paint a volume to create a 3D texture, adding color to voxels. PerPixelPainting after create an UV mapping assigns 3D coordinates to a 3D mesh vertex for mapping 2D textures. UV mapping assigns 3D coordinates to a 3D mesh vertex for mapping 2D textures, every pixel on the 2D texture is represented as a point in 3D space. Painting is performed not over vertices but directly over pixels on the texture.  Microvertex or displacement mapping is an alternative computer graphics technique in contrast to bump mapping, normal mapping, and parallax mapping, using a texture or height map to cause an effect where the actual geometric position of points over the textured surface are displaced, often along the local surface normal, according to the value the texture function evaluates to at each point on the surface. Ptex painting is one of the more amazing technologies, allowing you to paint extremely high-resolution textures on a per polygon basis, as well as completely bypassing all UV work – as it does not require any manual input for the creation of the UV maps. Ptex, in its current implementation, only supports quad polygons, no triangles or N-gons.
    • To me autosave is unuseable precisely because you can't really work while it is doing autosave, unless maybe if you disable auto-zipping. While your solution of locking the interface while autosave is in progress would prevent the possibility of causing a crash and losing work, the forced period of inactivity would still be very frustrating in my opinion. In addition, I think it would be better if 3d-Coat would dynamically look for an appropriate time to do the autosave. For example, when an autosave is due, it could wait for a while to see if the user is actively working, and not perform the autosave unless the user stops interacting with the software for several seconds. If this does not happen soon, 3d-Coat could issue a prompt saying it is time to do an autosave with two choices "yes", and "remind me later". Currently the two compromises are to either disable auto-zipping, or to disable autosave entirely.
    • I don't remember how many times Coat crashed when I accidentally performing an action at autosaving. The best I can get is a tempt file seconds ago and I hardly lose anything after rebooting. The worst a broken software or a broken system that won't start again. So how about the idea to implement a function to freeze any user action 1 second before Coat attempting to autosave. Please. There could be a better way, but any means to prevent this would be really helpful.
    • 尝试一下这个选项。给它定个快捷键,然后把笔刷放在你想对齐的面上,按下快捷键。它会按笔刷的法线拾取半径对齐到面,一般来讲平面会比较精准,曲面可能不太好对上。
    • FIrst, thank you for creating this tutorials. Hope you create such for the entire software. Would be great to have Such tutorials how to get fast results from UV editor. About the extrude tool: Unless someone using the curve profile, or, have some complicated surface direction that he need this advanced tool for, then he dont need this complicated UX. Instead, make extrude function be a part of the transform tool (like in maya). Maya solved it great, consider just copy their solution. Their solution: 1. you are on move tool / rotate tool / scale tool  - Move / rotate / scale + shift (face \ edge \ point) will extrude it - Move / rotate / scale+ Ctrl + shift will slide it (edge or point) It is magnitude more fast and intuitive. and keep this tool shown in the video as well for more advanced situations.  In addition to that, if the process of changing transform axis (world \ local\ normal ect) is easy, it makes everything easy.  If we are on the subject of context sensitive, Do the same for loop slice. you can easily combined loop, ring, target merge and knife to one smart tool that will change behavior depends on the keyboard key you are holding.  Make the UX smarter.     
    • Something I've been wanting since the Sculpt Tree first came about. A way to lock a layer like in Photoshop. It looks exactly the same but you can't draw on it or anything. Basically like the Ghost function but without the ghosting.
    • you need to retopo and bake on Retopo room to export textures from paint room.
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